lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

The largest pigeon in the world

Also. the dodo is sadly famous for being the most advertised animal destroyed by humans. Its disturbing disappearance was a precursor of understanding,  diffusion and care of the  other species . Apparently was very easy to hunt  because it was too confident and calm, however it was not just  that, their environment was destroyed for its resources and for being exploited and later was invaded by farm animals.

Furthermore Solitaire Rodriguez , had a great a lump of bone on the thumb covered by a thick layer of hardened skin, which would indicate they used it as weapons as some geese do today ... anyone who has seen an angry pigeon can testify how they hit (us) with their wings.

The Goura Victoria has three variants that are called more or less similar (Iin honor of Queen Victoria) is a huge , impressive , lovely animal, which is starting to be endangered because of its capture for pets  use...

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